Bed shower
Item number:The company Lofré developed an bed- and living room shower for people who are less mobile and can’t leave there living room. We supply various parts of these two types of shower.
Waterproof mattress cover PU
For different companies we are HF welding the mattress cover made out of polyurethane. These are used in hospitals and nursing homes.
Babybloom Incubator
We produce de High frequency welded covers for the Babybloom Incubator. This incubator provides a warm and safe place to grow and develop for the most vulnerable premature infants while keeping mother as close as possible. It is the most silent incubator on the market and it shields the infant from damaging noise and light.
In the past we have made pillows for the company Bi-Air that were used in hospitals. These could be professionally cleaned together with the hospital bed.